
Karin Maag

Karin Maag is the Director of the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies 

  • B.A., Western Society and Culture/Religion, Concordia University, Montreal
  • M.Phil., Renaissance and Reformation History, University of Saint Andrews, Scotland
  • Ph.D., Reformation History, University of Saint Andrews, Scotland

Karin Maag is currently serving as adjunct faculty at Calvin Theological Seminary, teaching classes in church history and research methods, and serving as co-director of the ThM program. She is also the editor and book review editor of the Calvin Theological Journal.
Her recent publications include a chapter on education and the Genevan Academy in Ward Holder, ed. Calvin in Context  (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020). Her most recent book, Worshiping with the Reformers, was published by IVP Academic in February 2021. 


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